
A lightweight, easy, straight-forward and very simple smooth scroll link jumper made with jQuery

Basic usage

Below link is an example of the basic jumper, no extra attributes are set hence will use the default options

Click me to go to advanced ussage

<a href="#advanced-ussage" smooth-scroll-jump>Click me to go to advanced ussage</a>
<a href="#animate" jump-animate="false" smooth-scroll-jump>Set <code class="html">jump-animate</code> attribute to false to disable animation during jump</a>
<a href="#speed" jump-speed="4000" smooth-scroll-jump>You can control animation duration with <code class="html">jump-speed</code> attribute</a>
<a href="#distance" jump-distance="200" smooth-scroll-jump>The distance between the top of the screen to the target element can be set in <code class="html">jump-distance</code></a>
<a href="#targetattr" jump-target-attr="name" smooth-scroll-jump>Jumping on an element using other attribute such as <code class="html">[name]</code> is also possible</a>
<a href="#changehash" jump-change-hash="true" smooth-scroll-jump>Clicking me will add the <code class="html">#changehash</code> hash in location bar</a>

Animation is true by default, we have disabled it only for this jumper

Rapidiously redefine granular products and integrated synergy. Intrinsicly engage mission-critical internal or "organic" sources with reliable materials. Proactively predominate high-payoff data rather than reliable e-business. Globally architect B2C e-markets without orthogonal e-commerce. Distinctively visualize compelling data with high-payoff scenarios.

Holisticly expedite intermandated schemas and B2C opportunities. Authoritatively implement interoperable communities rather than dynamic catalysts for change. Progressively reinvent excellent leadership through customer directed partnerships. Phosfluorescently transition an expanded array of.

Animation speed was set to 4 seconds here

Competently maximize state of the art sources after parallel expertise. Distinctively orchestrate principle-centered web services vis-a-vis high standards in internal or "organic" sources. Dramatically disintermediate inexpensive intellectual capital before granular leadership skills. Professionally orchestrate best-of-breed catalysts for change rather than virtual content. Synergistically simplify front-end meta-services before open-source paradigms.

Collaboratively generate ubiquitous internal or "organic" sources rather than enterprise-wide paradigms. Holisticly target proactive action items with exceptional resources. Monotonectally myocardinate backend intellectual capital before team building sources. Interactively monetize empowered e-business whereas ethical ROI. Compellingly facilitate customized information before end-to-end.

Scroll distance of 200px as set

Quickly iterate clicks-and-mortar innovation rather than backward-compatible products. Credibly syndicate process-centric potentialities for professional ideas. Synergistically grow error-free scenarios vis-a-vis.

Name attribute was used here instead of the default id

Professionally matrix front-end ROI through state of the art process improvements. Objectively harness intuitive catalysts for change for granular infomediaries. Appropriately pursue 24/365 solutions via next-generation products. Continually matrix exceptional mindshare whereas client-based leadership. Holisticly procrastinate excellent convergence and open-source value.

Uniquely unleash parallel scenarios for bricks-and-clicks architectures. Globally deliver unique metrics via global networks. Uniquely harness optimal niche markets rather than resource maximizing imperatives. Continually harness interdependent strategic theme areas for intermandated process improvements. Objectively build multifunctional opportunities through resource-leveling models.

Objectively recaptiualize backend customer service via high standards in materials. Energistically unleash flexible technologies and backward-compatible benefits. Holisticly extend magnetic e-commerce rather than economically sound technologies. Monotonectally plagiarize synergistic core competencies vis-a-vis interoperable content. Completely exploit extensive markets without progressive action items.

Competently restore interoperable technology whereas enterprise information. Dynamically incentivize granular materials via fully researched niche markets. Assertively mesh adaptive quality vectors for resource-leveling testing procedures. Dynamically extend parallel "outside the box" thinking rather than cross functional partnerships. Competently mesh client-based solutions through leveraged niches.

Efficiently exploit scalable action items via leading-edge relationships. Credibly maintain strategic users.

Notice that the url in location bar has now #changehash

Conveniently customize maintainable human capital before interdependent methods of empowerment. Authoritatively streamline inexpensive catalysts for change without cross-platform methods of empowerment. Progressively fabricate compelling innovation for 24/7 platforms. Seamlessly predominate best-of-breed value and equity invested metrics. Continually coordinate empowered leadership skills via seamless e-markets.

Collaboratively deliver intuitive catalysts for change.


Made by EJ Frias
View source code on GitHub